The Sonya Looney Show

Embracing Competition: Cultivating an Adaptive Mindset with Kim Perkins



Competition isn't just about winning—it's about growth, resilience, and pushing beyond our limits. I sat down with former pro speedskater and organizational psychologist Kim Perkins to talk about how competition shapes our lives and how to harness the power of an adaptive mindset. Together, we explored the multifaceted nature of competition, including how it can be both a source of inspiration and a powerful challenge in our lives. With a Ph.D. in positive organizational psychology and experience as a journalist, Kim brings a unique perspective to the playing field - and our conversation. From reframing rivalries to embracing self-compassion, you will learn powerful strategies for cultivating a more adaptive mindset around competition.  KEY TAKEAWAYS Differentiate: Look for ways you are different from competitors rather than focusing on similarities, to avoid unnecessary rivalry. Finding compassion: How to extend understanding to yourself and others, and cut people some slack rather than being overly critic