Mary Jane French: Novice

Cath! Cowan Talks About Bees



This week on the show, Mary Jane talks to Cath! Cowan about bees! If this topic is of particular interest to you, Cath would like you to check out Rockwood Park Backyard Beekeeper’s Association (RPBBA) which meets monthly and the Mid Atlantic Organic Honeybee Convention (MAOHBC) Which meets annually! If you’re not in the areas for those organizations, please check out your local responsible beekeeping groups! Our theme song is written and recorded by Sawyer Camden. Check out more of his work at Or! If you like the show please subscribe and review us! And if you have a topic you’d like to talk to Mary Jane about please send a pitch to! Include what you would like to talk about and why you’re passionate about it. Even feel free to include a short audio clip (under 5 min) of you talking about your topic so that we can hear your energy! If you’re in Richmond, Virginia we would be happy to sit down with you, if you’r