Leader Of Learning

Exploring the Future of Technology in Education with John Sowash



Episode 165 of the Leader of Learning Podcast features John Sowash, an expert in all things Chromebooks, Google apps, and Google Workspace for Education live from the FETC conference in Orlando, Florida. John discusses the future of technology in education, specifically focusing on the impact of AI and the latest developments in Google's educational tools. John sheds light on the challenges and opportunities AI presents in the classroom and shares practical advice for teachers and leaders on navigating these new trends. Dan and John also delve into the exciting advancements in Chromebooks and how educators can leverage web-based tools for teaching and learning.Guest Information:Since 2011, John has worked with schools around the world, providing practical, hands-on professional development and technology integration support. He began his educational journey as a high school science teacher exploring the use of Google Docs and Wikis with ninth grade students. John eventually became a high school principal and