Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

RAPIDLY Increase Your Vitamin D (The Best Method)



Not having enough vitamin D increases your risk of developing unwanted symptoms like depression, fatigue, and muscle weakness but it also increases your risk of developing more serious consequences like diabetes, weight gain, and cancer. For these reasons, you should take your vitamin D level very seriously. But the question is: how can you rapidly increase your vitamin D to prevent these issues? I’m glad you asked because you have 3 options that work VERY well: Method #1. is the sunlight method. This method is by far the most natural and the one that you should aim for if at all possible. It works by harnessing the power of the sun which helps to convert and activate vitamin D in the skin and body. Watch the video to make sure you are using the correctly! Method #2. is the supplement method. Because not everyone will be able to get all of the necessary vitamin D that they need from the sun, we have to talk about supplements. If you are using supplements then you’ll want to make sure to use vitamin D3