The Flop House

Ep. #384 - Marmaduke (2022)



Wait didn't we do this movie before? Don't be ridiculous. That was Marmaduke (2010) this is Marmaduke (2022). How could you possibly have mixed that up? Anyway, this ain't your daddy's Marmaduke, provided you have a very young daddy (in the case of the previous film) or a very old daddy (who loves the comic). This is the animated one for Netflix, with Pete Davidson as the titular Duke of Marma. Does it make the previous one look like the Citizen Kane of Marmaduke films? Kinda!Also, for those wishing to enter the SEXY XENOMORPH VIDEO CONTEST, here is a direct link to the isolated song file for the song of the winter, Sexy Xenomorph. Contest rules can be found down below, if you prefer reading them with your eye-holes over hearing them with your ear-holes.Wikipedia page for MarmadukeMovies recommended in this episode:The FabelmansBones and AllToo Late for TearsEver tried Microdosing? Visit and use FLOP for 30% off + Free Shipping. Sexy Xenomorph Contest: Full Rules —To enter the contest, make a mu