Cultivating The Lovely- The Podcast

S5 Ep165: Celebrating in Tough Times with Katie and Chelle



On today’s episode of Cultivating the Lovely, MacKenzie talks with her good friends Katie Duckett and Chelle Bruzas about clinging to celebrations and loveliness amidst the coronavirus crisis. This is a grace-filled, honest conversation that we hope will help you see the lighter side of life in a challenging season. Katie shares honestly how she is doing amidst coronavirus struggles Chelle talks about what it is like to parent with transparency during this season MacKenzie shares the challenge of being forced into schooling at home again Katie shares the analogy of a pot boiling over to talk about stressors and emotions MacKenzie talks about dealing with “parenting whiplash” Making the intentional effort to pull out of your own emotion and love on your family The kindness of communicating your needs with each other as a family We have to be creative, but those small efforts pay big dividends in the hearts of our kids. Katie Duckett Setting healthy boundaries for ourselves and our kids Celebrating birth