Mike & Maurice's Mind Escape

Exploring The Flood Myths from Around The Ancient World Episode #14



Noah's Ark, Epic of Gilgamesh, Yima and the Vara, Viracocha, and Enoch and the Nephilim. Today we look at all the great flood myths and story from across the globe. There are many similarities in these myths and stories that we will analyze and speculate on. The most famous one most people know is the story of Noah's Ark. Mesopotamia's flood myth is known as the Epic of Gilgamesh. These myths are even found in ancient North American and South American texts like the Incan myth of Varicocha in which he sank the people around Lake Titicaca. There is also the story of Yima and the Vara from Zoroastrianism texts which we can speculate maybe the ancient underground site we know as Derinkuyu. *All of our links are below