Making It Grow Minutes

Resoponsible Turf



Clemson Extension’s Home and Garden Information Center each week shares a listing of calls they’ve received, ranked by the topics with the greatest requests for help. Number one, leading the list, is always turf grass. A super-managed lawn, with no flowering, so-called weeds doesn’t feed pollinators, needs regular irrigation, and few lawn mowers and such have anti-pollution devices on them. That said, we all need a small turf area for picnics and slip and slides (just about the most fun item every invented) and places to roll around with the dog. If you want people to admire your house, a smaller lawn with thoughtfully chosen and artfully arranged trees and shrubs encourages people to slow down to get a better look than just a wide-open-to-the-world carpet of grass with your house plopped down in the middle.