Making It Grow Minutes

The Benefits of Owning Woodlands



Hello Gardeners, I’m Amanda McNulty with Clemson Extension and Making It Grow. There’re many benefits to owning timberlands besides the income from harvesting your trees. Some families enjoy hunting or while others gain income by leasing hunting rights to others. Wildlife ecology goes along with hunting in some cases when owners plant food crops and conduct prescribed burns. For many it’s the joy of hearing the wind as it sings in tall pines and the voices and glimpses of birds and wildlife; all reasons to enjoy and protect your family’s woodlands which are enjoyed as much by women as by men. Traditionally men make more management decisions concerning these properties, and yet according to the Census Bureau, eighty percent of men die before their wives. We have a Making It Grow Extra podcast with Clemson’s Janet Steele about a program, Women Owning Woodlands, to help females new to forest management gain knowledge.