August Brice Thriving With Technology @ Tech Wellness

Smartphones and WiFi Made Them Sick: Does EMF Protection Work? Conversations with people who have Electro-Magnetic Sensitivity or EHS



This is an amazing episode.  Let's start by being honest.  Many people just don't believe that their cell phones and WiFi can actually be harmful. They are not convinced that their favorite personal possession could possibly hurt them.  It just wouldn't do that. If you know anyone experiencing things like headaches, anxiety, rashes, insomnia or other auto-immune issues that they can't find answers for, please share this podcast with them! In this episode, you'll hear how from people whose health has been turned upside down by this unseen wireless energy that surrounds us and our children more every day.  They are regular, healthy people like you and me.  But when you hear about how their health and their lives have been impacted, it's hard not to believe.   We attended a Global Conference in Southern England on the state of research on the potential effects of electromagnetic radiation, a type of EMF.  Bottom Line:  There is a biological effect on all of us.  It's been well documented over the last 30 years.