Behind The Knife: The Surgery Podcast

Journal Review in Surgical Education: Operative Performance Assessment



5 years of General Surgery residency? Check. Case numbers? Check. Ready for independent practice? Hmmm.   Join Drs. John D. Mellinger, Jeremy Lipman, Judith French, and Amy Han as we discuss the past, present and future of operative assessment. Learning objectives: In this episode, we discuss the current practices of operative assessment in surgical training and the opportunities for improvement. We delve into evidence-based framework for operative performance assessment outlined in “A Proposed Blueprint for Operative Performance Training, Assessment, and Certification.” We explore the distinction between high versus low frequency operations, standards setting, training of assessors, and the role of technology in improving reliability, generalizability, and frequency of operative assessments.     References: Bansal N, Simmons KD, Epstein AJ, Morris JB, Kelz RR. Using Patient Outcomes to Evaluate General Surgery Residency Program Performance. JAMA Surg. 2016;151(2):111–119. doi:10.1001/jamasurg.2015.3637