Crazy Blessed With Hannah Keeley

379 | Crazy Blessed | Sharon Lechter | How Money Works For Women



Description: In this episode, Hannah Keeley sits down with financial literacy expert and bestselling author Sharon Lechter to discuss the ins and outs of managing money, overcoming financial fears, and building wealth. Sharon shares her journey to becoming a financial expert, highlighting the importance of education, mindset shifts, and taking action. From debunking money myths to empowering women to take control of their finances, this conversation is packed with valuable insights and practical advice for anyone looking to improve their financial situation. Transcript Highlights: Hannah and Sharon discuss the common misconceptions surrounding money and the importance of financial education from an early age. Sharon emphasizes the need for women to take control of their finances, break free from fear and self-doubt, and build wealth through smart investing and asset management. The conversation delves into the power of association and the role of mentors in accelerating success, as well as the significance o