Bass Agenda

Bass Agenda 136: FAH Guest Host & Nerve System Records mix



Part 1 Guest hosted by FAH, The Netherlands:Illektrolab & 4th Genome - Bass Agenda Intro512 KBytes - PulsarBruce Haack - Party MachineMarcello Giombini - GeminiFAH - Future RX #3Cygnus - LikeglassPulse 1 - MarathonBochum Welt - That's MutualityCygnus - Robosexuality (FAH Live in Paris version)Kraftwerk - ComputerworldGB - We Can See YouLCTR - PW__1 LCTR - UntitledArpanet - Chandrasekhars LimitCount Hemmendorff - The Trophy RoomFAH - 2 Fresh 2 B DownFAH - Future RX #1Philippe Laurent - Rapide 4Pulse 1 - Electronic Alarm ClockMarcello Giombini - SaggitariusPart 2 Nerve System records showcase mix by Axhan Sonn:Axhan Sonn - Kaos Axhan Sonn - Arlequin Axhan Sonn - Epitaxhan Axhan Sonn - Acs20Axhan Sonn - Pingc Axhan Sonn - Kaos Axhan Sonn - Azure Hellboy - The Gateway of ShadowsJerk - IDM for todaySqueaky Lobster - Vega StarJerk - Song of DeathAxhan Sonn - H.H.E. Axhan Sonn - Perercia Axhan Sonn - Prométhée Axhan Sonn - Néréïde Jerk - Pigs SuckeurAxhan Sonn - Aspaen Axhan Sonn - Intermaës Axhan Sonn - Aydogdu