Bass Agenda

Bass Agenda 103: TUDOR ACID Interview & mix by ITPDWIP



Each show I ask an electronic music producer to select some tracks that are important to them:(1) Track/s that influenced their starting to make music(2) Track/s that have blown them away recently(3) Their favourite own production(s)Part One: Interview & Selections from Tudor Acid, UKMore info - & 4th Genome - Bass Agenda IntroTudor Acid - NeverestTudor Acid - New Year's Eve 1998Peter Howell & BBC Radiophonic Workshop - Planet of FireKate Bush - Running Up That HillTudor Acid - Same Time As BeforeTudor Acid - ThiedTudor Acid - ProkePlaid - Liverpool StBiosphere - TranquilizerSoundex Phonetic - Operation Challenger DeepNexus 23 - VisionRadioactive Man - Checkee CheckeeKretz - Too Many Choices Interferes With Human Creativity (Psilodump remix)Soft Moon - Wrong (Dave Clarke remix)Part 2 - Guest mix from ITPDWIPMore info: & [Tvarj Cna - Ti Pomnish?] (Beast Of Dreams - Do You Remember?)Alek Sta