Bottled In China

Impossibrew: Non-Alcoholic Beer Inspired by Chinese Medicine



Introducing Mark Wong: Mark Wong is a visionary entrepreneur who took the beverage industry by storm. Less than 6 months after creating Impossibrew, he found himself on the hit TV show "Dragons' Den," where he faced the ultimate test of his business acumen. In this episode, Mark takes us through that experience and shares the valuable lessons he learned along the way.During our conversation, Mark reveals the fascinating science behind Impossibrew's beers, which offer a one or two-pint feeling without the presence of alcohol. We explore the nootropic herbs used in their products for relaxation and cognitive enhancement and how Mark collaborated with renowned neuroscientist Dr. Paul Chazot to develop these unique formulations.We also delve into the transformative role that a trip to Hong Kong played in Mark's life, where he discovered the power of Chinese and Eastern medicine. Looking to the future, we discuss the potential of the non-alcoholic nootropics industry and the challenges it currently faces. Mark sha