Plant Proof - Plant Based Nutrition & Inspirational Stories

Benefits of hypnosis | David Spiegel, MD



Episode #297. Think hypnosis is for stage shows and witches? Think again. Learn from Stanford Professor David Spiegel about how this revolutionary treatment approach can help break bad habits, manage pain, and improve a range of conditions from insomnia to IBS. You’ll learn what clinical hypnosis is, how it works, and how it differs from meditation. Dr Spiegel also addresses some common fears and misconceptions about this practice, explaining the research and how it fits in with psychotherapy and clinical guidelines. Tune in to discover whether hypnosis might be a good approach for you and how to get started. Specifically, we discuss: Intro to Hypnosis with Stanford's David Spiegel (00:00) Exploring Hypnosis with Stanford Professor David Spiegel (01:53) The Science of Hypnosis Demystified (09:12) Examples of Hypnosis in Smoking Cessation (13:17) Clinical Hypnosis: Control and Perspective Shift (18:10) Pain Management Through Hypnosis (21:46) Hypnosis in Treating PTSD and IBS (30:33) Role of Hypnosis