Thought Stack: Adventures In Being Human

TS 28: Lessons in Creativity From an Underappreciated Genius



This podcast is about a genius reflecting on what it means to be a genius...that's pretty FREAKIN' cool! Hey Thought Stackers, you're in for a treat. Today we have Jimmy Soni, author of A Mind at Play: How Claude Shannon Invented the Information Age, joining us on the cast. Today You'll Learn Five Things:  Claude Shannon's unique approach to networking - More like Anti-Networking. Why you should start visualizing the end state of problems you're trying to solve BEFORE diving into the details. Claude's six step process to creative thinking. Our biggest take away: Avoiding over specialization. Why the connection between our hands and our minds is not valued enough in today's culture - we get into how Claude, who was a mathematical genius was also a tinkerer who enjoyed building and juggling. Be sure to follow Jimmy on Twitter: @jimmyasoni and pick up his book on Amazon. Stay Thought-Full.