Starseed Radio Academy

New From Lavandar's Vault!



Since Lavandar retired from doing sessions, she's been able to write more new information for her Vault of Knowledge, and tonight, we're presenting some of her newest writings.  The topics include Genius Markings, The Women of the Ethers, and the Free Will / Predestination programs on the planet.  Lavandar's material has been recorded in Arielle's studio and read by Arielle.  You can find much more from Lavandar in the Vault of Knowledge on our website, Our next Starseed Quest to Arkansas is on Pleiadean Line Up, May 17-20.  We have two spots still available, so write to crystals at starseedhotline dot com for more details, or to see if you're eligible to join us based on your chart. We are gathering a group of astrologers to learn Lavandar's starseed astrology, so write to Arielle for more info. At the top of the show, it's Anastasia's Starseed News, with topics of hope and interest for starseeds!