Mba Executive Director Podcast

2024 Predictions - what does the year ahead hold for us all?



Do you see 2024 as a year of uncertainty or opportunity? We already know that some events from 2023 will continue to have an impact while there are other events that are scheduled to happen. How will the following play out in 2024? Elections and Economics: With the US and UK gearing up for their elections, what impact will they have on the global economic landscape? Geopolitical Tensions and Global Business Impact: What will the economic impact be from the ongoing war in Ukraine, the conflict in Gaza, and will tensions between China and the US flare up during the US elections? How do these conflicts affect global supply chains, energy markets, and international trade relations? Macro-Economic Factors: From inflation trends to employment rates, understand the macro-economic indicators that will shape business strategies in 2024. Big Tech and Anti-Trust Action: Regulators have big tech in their cross-hairs. What is the impact of anti-trust actions? AI Adoption and Business Strategy: How will AI adoptio