Career Revolution With Dr. Ck Bray | A Place To Fix, Change Or Create Your Best Career

Episode 515 How to Stop Taking Work So Personally



In today's episode of "Dr. CK Bray Show," we delve into the emotional intricacies of the workplace, a space where drama often unfolds in the form of power struggles, ego clashes, and the all-too-common practice of throwing colleagues under the bus. This episode tackles a question that resonates with many: Why do we take work so personally? The discussion explores whether our jobs are simply a means to an economic end, a yardstick for societal status, a cornerstone of identity, or perhaps all three. Dr. Bray aims to dissect the reasons behind our emotional investment in our jobs and offers strategies and tools to navigate the workplace with less emotional turmoil and more resilience. QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “When we entangle our self-worth with our work performance, every piece of feedback, everything that goes wrong feels like a personal attack.” “Remind yourself that ‘This feeling is not who I am’. Emotions come and go.” “Treat yourself like you treat other people.”