Keen On

Journeys of a Humanitarian: How Jane Olson Emulated her Heroine Eleanor Roosevelt to Become a World Citizen



In this KEEN ON episode, Andrew talks to WORLD CITIZEN author Jane Olson about Eleanor Roosevelt, Nicaragua and Uganda, Greta Thunberg and why she remains optimistic about young people making the world a better place.ABOUT JANE OLSEN: Jane Olson has worked as a volunteer for many decades to promote peace and justice through international human rights and humanitarian organizations. She chaired the International Board of Trustees of Human Rights Watch from 2004 to 2010 and served as co-chair of the Women’s Refugee Commission. As founding board chair of Landmine Survivors Network/Survivor Corps, she gave leadership to LSN for 12 years. Extensive travels with those and other humanitarian organizations took Jane to Nicaragua and El Salvador during the Contra Wars and to the former Soviet Union beginning with trips to Ukraine in 1989 and 1990, a time of revolution. As the former USSR fell apart and wars broke out, she participated in investigative trips to the former Yugoslavia during “ethnic cleansing” of Bosnia,