Everyday Entrepreneur With Cornelius Mcgrath

#6: Genius Loci — Cambridge Architect Scott Ford



SOUTH BEND, IN — Scott Ford is the most interesting placemaker you have never heard of. From getting his Ph.D. at Cambridge to becoming a Starbucks Barista in Detroit, Ford really has seen and done it all (including jumping out of a helicopter in a Tweed suit).  We sat down over coffee in South Bend to talk about his life. We covered design, culture, identity, what it is like to apprentice under a master, working for presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, the destruction of 'short-termism' in modern-day society, and the profound impact of space on communities everywhere. But most importantly, Ford talks about why it is so valuable not to be the expert in the room and the power of choosing a craft that will enable you to peak in your 70s.