Sinner Saint Sister

Find Your Happy w/ Sheena Melwani | S11 E2



Every now and then, while scrolling Tiktok, I will watch someone’s content and know for sure that what you see is what you get and immediately want to find a patio for a margarita, or a couch for some coffee, and be friends. Sheena Melwani is one of those media personalities whose positivity is sincere, whose joy is a magnet. It was all my pleasure to sit down with her and learn for certain that what you see is indeed exactly what you get. She is a beautiful singer and songwriter. She’s the Internet’s favorite laugher. And she is absolutely one of my very favorite content creators. In this conversation about creativity, passions, and joy, Sheena walks us through reaching for the stars while keeping her feet firmly on the ground. Subscribe/Rate Never miss out on an episode by subscribing to our channel here ( Help other people find the show by sharing this video on your social media. Thanks! Connect with Allison: