Ptm Radio



Subscriber-only episodeCould the Trinity doctrine, a cornerstone of Christian belief, have been shaped more by political forces than divine revelation? We're peeling back the layers of historical context to reveal how this pivotal doctrine took shape, exploring the transitions from Hebrew roots to Greek philosophy. As we sift through 'The End Time Message Handbook', join us for an eye-opening journey that challenges long-held beliefs and calls into question the validity of doctrines marred by political influence. This isn't your average history lesson; it's a deep dive into the evolution of faith and a reflection on the spiritual expressions that resonate with believers worldwide.Venture with us as we navigate the theological complexities surrounding the nature of the Godhead, illuminated by the clarifying teachings of Brother Branham. In striking the delicate balance between scripture and human reasoning, we uncover the transformative power of these end-time messages evident in the h