Doctor Thyroid

Thyroid Ablation and Quality of Life with Dr. Erivelto Volpi



Thyroid Ablation: A Game-Changer in Preserving Quality of Life Thyroid disorders, particularly those requiring surgery, have long been a concern for patients due to the potential lifelong dependence on medication and associated quality of life changes. However, a significant shift is occurring in thyroid treatment with the advent of thyroid ablation, a technique that is rapidly gaining preference among patients and physicians alike. The Rise of Thyroid Ablation In a recent podcast interview on RFAMD, Dr. Erivelto Volpi, a renowned head and neck surgeon from São Paulo, Brazil, shared his extensive experience in thyroid ablation. Dr. Volpi, who has performed around 8,000 thyroid surgeries and 400 thyroid ablations in over 35 years, notes the growing trend towards thyroid ablation. He attributes this shift primarily to the preservation of the patient’s quality of life, a crucial factor often overshadowed in traditional surgical approaches. Why Patients Prefer Thyroid Ablation Dr. Volpi explains tha