Abdiel Leroy Author And Poet

35 — Thwarting Satan in a Courtroom Drama!



THE GOURMET GOSPEL. Like every good story, even the story of God's grace "needs a villain." That villain, of course, is Satan, who "is in the Paradise-spoiling business." His chief tactics are: masquerading as an angel of light, spawning lies, and accusing the faithful. In the latter role, Satan resorts to microscopic inspections, "straining out gnats," to quote the metaphor Christ used. But through an imagined scenario of a courtroom drama, Abdiel demonstrates how the prosecutor is stripped of his "evidence," outsmarted and outclassed by Christ, and ultimately humiliated. This scene is also played out in Abdiel's epic poem, OBAMA'S DREAM, which you can get FREE by joining his Readers List at PoetProphet.com/Contact.