Everything Co-op With Vernon Oakes

Allen Kwabena Frimpong of ZEAL, discusses Coop Economic Alternatives that Enable Creatives to Thrive



February 8. 2024 Allen Kwabena Frimpong, Co-founder and principal cultural designer with ZEAL,, discusses Cooperative Economic Alternatives that Enable Artists and Creatives to Thrive. Allen Kwabena Frimpong is a cooperative entrepreneur, cultural designer, and conceptual artist. In addition to being a co-founder of Zeal, he is a founder of several powerful and influential social entrepreneurship endeavors. He was a managing partner of AdAstra Collective, which is a boutique consulting co-op whose vision is to transform power through networked movement building for a just, democratic, and liberating world. AdAstra Collective also anchored the work of the Old Money, New System community of practice 2016-2020, that supported movement resource mobilization initiatives that strengthened social movement ecosystems. He also co-founded Liberation Ventures and was a former Senior Fellow at PolicyLink, creating a field-building organization that takes a networked approach in building a culture of repair towards winni