Nik And Ant - Ptma Podcast

At what point (if ever) does it become the 'client's fault' for not reaching the goals they wanted? & Q&A No.135



Do you know of any 'all in one' platforms for calendars, landing pages, email lists etc? Or do these tend to be big CRM type platforms aimed at larger companies? What are the main factors to consider before switching target market? If you had to go back to coaching fitness clients again, what would be your demographic/niche and why? What percentage of your time should be spent thinking about the bigger picture? Over for example, the day to day in person business work. I feel like I'm pretty on top of my week to week organization. I prioritize my tasks, plan things out, and book time into my schedule to get things done. However I struggle to find time for the less frequent, monthly tasks. I always end up doing them on my days off. Any advice? Or is it just a case of planning them into my week better/that's how it's gonna be? Running a 'one-off' session such as 'squat workshop' - Upsell to clients or give it as a freebie / perk of the service? On average how l