Nonprofit Coach With Ted Hart Podcast

Nonprofit Coach THE GREEN SHOW: Glenn Croston: Green Budgets



Special Edition of the Nonprofit Coach with Ted Hart Radio Show is dedicated to Greening the Nonprofit World. Bringing expert advice to the nonprofit sector and drawing from the Nonprofit Guide to Going Green helping nonprofits green their efforts and carbon footprint, shows nonprofit executives proactive steps they can take to protect the environment and helps charities on the path to becoming a certified Green Nonprofit from THE GREEN SHOW delivers a timely and essential call to GREEN action for this new century. Page 2 Expert: Glenn Croston is a noted expert on green business communication, strategy and best practices. Rather than focusing on the problems we face, Croston focuses on the solutions that entrepreneurs and businesses can provide and build a successful business in the process.   Croston is the author of the books 75 Green Businesses You can Start to Make Money and Make a Difference and Starting Green: An Ecopreneur’s Toolkit to Starting a Green Business from Business Plan