Yusuf Circle Sheffield

S14 - Amr Ibn Al - Aas (ra) - The Chief hypocrite returns to Al Medina



Amr ibn Al-Aas (ra), Session 14 The Fox of The Arabs  The Chief hypocrite returns to Al Medina with a third of the army before the encounter at Uhud. Abu Sufiyaan (ra) leaves the Battle of Uhud and intends to march towards Al Medina to exterminate the rest of the Sahaba, however he is stopped by Safwaan ibn Umayyah ibn Khalaf (ra). 'Had they marched to Al Medina they would have perished with a shower of stones' (Ibn Ishaq). Amr (ra) later on says…. I was present at Uhud and escaped… (Baihaqi). Bediuz’Zamaan Sa’eed Nursee (rah), The Companins of the future defeated the Companions of the present (Lemalar- Istanbul). The Battle of The Trench On arrival The Quraysh find a ditch which cannot be breached. After a month or so of intrigue and attempts a violent wind was sent by Allah SWT which caused havoc. Amr (ra) visits his friend Musaylimah, Amr (ra) recites Surah Asr and Musaylimah recites his own revelation, Ya Wabbir! The Messenger ﷺ explains the meaning of Surah Asr to The Chief Reciter, Obay ibn Ka