Yusuf Circle Sheffield

S11 - Amr Ibn Al - Aas (ra) - Migration to Abyssinia



Amr ibn Al-Aas (ra), Session 11 The Fox of The Arabs  Migration to Abyssinia 'The land of Abyssinia has a king who does not oppress anyone in his kingdom... '(Ibn Ishaq). During the 5th Year of Prophethood, 12 men & 4 women made the first Hijra to Abyssinia. The second Hijra to Abyysinia took place a year later, where 102 Sahaba migrated 19 of whom were women. The emergency council of the Quraysh led them to send Amr (ra) & Abdullah ibnAbee Rabee to return the 'renegades.' Jaffar (ra) addresses An-Najaashee (rah), quoting the opening verses of Surah Mariam. An-Najaashee (rah) grants the Sahaba safety.