Chats With Susan Burrell

You Are Enough



Ep #264 - You Are Enough – An Interview with author and love activist, Scott Stabile What a joy it is to welcome, author and love activist, Scott Stabile to Empowering Chats, The first thing that caught me was the title of Scott’s book: Enough As You Are. That alone says so much. Scott shared that the title came about as a way to show that love and you are always enough. No matter where you currently sit in your life you are always enough as you are. Scott is a love activist and sees love as the most powerful force we have to work with. Love is the umbrella term he uses to encompass kindness, empathy, compassion and all the other words and things we do to give and receive love.  Scott believes it is the one energy that can actually create healing in the world. Scott and I also shared a conversation about our relationship with self. It is an everlasting one, it is our foundation and the more we come into wholeness with ourselves the more we will be able to offer that to those we come in contact with. It is act