News Report

Will Rupee fall affect PM Modi's election strategy ?



The value of rupee against the US dollar had depreciated below 70 rupees per dollar mark on Tuesday, (data of rupee) touching a historic all-time low. The analysts suggest that the rupee might further depreciate below the 71 mark. With this, the fear of an increase in prices of consumer goods would spread large over the country. Government data on Monday showed that the retail inflation quickened to 4.17 percent in July from a year earlier, slower than the 4.5 percent. And the same day rupee had witnessed a record low of 69.9 against the dollar, keeping its position as Asia’s worst-performing currency this year. And if we compare the performance of rupee since 2014 to the current financial year, we see a massive fall in its value.It was in the years of 2013 and 2014 that the now prime Minister Narendra Modi made falling price of rupee as the center piece of his campaign. where he used it to accuse the then prime minister Manmohan Singh implicating that he was weak PM of our country.From falling value rupees t