Tprs Russian Effortless Russian

16 – Where was Peter Parker? (A1: Past Tense)



Past tense in Russian is one of my favorite grammar topics. So easy! Simply add Л, ЛА or ЛИ to a verb:) *** If you like learning with mini-stories, welcome to my complete Russian language course –  My new cultural course in English 'Understanding Russia' –  Join my free email course with lots of useful materials and tips –  Real Russian Club Youtube channel –  Instagram with short lessons –    If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to ask me at  Text in Russian: Пи́тер Па́ркер – америка́нец. Ра́ньше он жил и учи́лся в шко́ле в Нью-Йо́рке. Пото́м он учи́лся в университе́те. Пи́тер рабо́тал в газе́те Де́йли Бьюгл. Сейча́с он супергеро́й. Text in English:   Peter Parker is an American. Earlier, he lived and studied in school in New York. Then he