Heart To Heart With Michael

Losing my Identity After a Neck Accident



How does a person react to feeling worse after a therapeutic appointment? What happens when a person almost dies? How does this Christian handle losing her identity as a nurse?Julie Hedenborg was a nurse for 24 years until she had a life-threatening injury to her neck in 2015. At one point, she was in an ambulance and wondered if she was going to survive. That experience changed her life and helped her see her priorities more clearly. Shortly after that, her scoliosis caused her to be too disabled to perform her nursing duties so she had to leave a career she had worked very hard for.A Christian, she felt that God called her to a new ministry. She now has a Christian podcast where she shares miracles and testimonies from people from around the world. She has over 2 million views on YouTube alone. She has written a book about her faith journey. In this episode of Bereaved But Still Me, we’ll be talking with Julie about what it was like for her to lose her career, what caused her to start a podcast, and why she