Heart To Heart With Michael

Losing a Son to Cerebral Palsy



How can a father deal with losing a son to cerebral palsy? What does it mean to have cerebral palsy? What advice does a father of two sets of twins have for others who have premature babies with severe birth defects?It’s extremely difficult to have a child with a chronic illness. It’s especially difficult when we lose a child, even when it is a child who was born with a chronic illness. It seems somehow unnatural for a parent to bury a child. So how do we, as parents, cope with that moment?This month's featured Guest is David Blier – the father of four; two sets of twins. David’s first set of twins were born at 31 ½ weeks – which is not actually considered premature for twins. One of the twins, Lucas, was born with cerebral palsy and his condition was very severe. Lucas couldn’t eat or speak but he could laugh and cry. He couldn’t sit up or walk, but he was able to move with the help of a wheelchair. He was totally dependent on others. For the last 13 years of his life he lived in Mercy Homes. Sadly, at 23