Behind The Knife: The Surgery Podcast

Journal Review in Transplant Surgery: History and Challenges of Xenotransplantation



*** FELLOWSHIP APPLICATION: *** Inspired by recent transplant surgery headlines, in this episode we briefly review the history and challenges of xenotransplantation. We discuss an article recently published in the American Journal of Transplantation describing the transplant of a porcine kidney into a human decedent model. Learning Objectives ·       Understand the timeline of xenotransplantation and its historical challenges ·       Review a recent article that describes the transplantation of a genetically-modified porcine kidney into a brain-dead human model ·       Discuss ongoing obstacles to successful xenotransplantation and next steps   References Porrett, P. M., Orandi, B. J., Kumar, V., Houp, J., Anderson, D., Cozette Killian, A., Hauptfeld-Dolejsek, V., Martin, D. E., Macedon, S., Budd, N., Stegner, K. L., Dandro, A., Kokkinaki, M., Kuravi, K. v., Reed, R. D., Fatima, H., Killian, J. T., Baker, G