Crying In My Car: A Podcast For Teachers

Tea from the Teacher's Lounge



Are we bringing Bill the science guy back!? Welcome back to Crying In My Car with your favorite edu-comedians, James Yon and Devin Siebold!. This week Kicking things off, as Devin dives into the teacher's guilt associated with those teacher breaks from the grind, where it becomes even more stressful trying to relax. Is a teacher's job ever really done? Then, James challenges us all to a day where we put down the smartphones! We'll spill the tea where Wiz Khalifa shows up to a parent-teacher conference as high as a kite, where he claims he is not going to hide his true self from his kids.  We call for a moment of reminiscing where we ponder on Bill Nye's place in the modern classroom and discuss how students’ attention spans are dwindling. Has education evolved beyond the Science Guy? So tune in for an episode filled with laughs, gaffes, and some celebrity tea! Make sure to like, share, and subscribe to "Crying In My Car" for your weekly dose of teacher humor.