Seneca Community Church Messages

3/03/2024 - The Seeking King - Part 10: Your Cave



This Sunday, we jump back in to the story of King David and find that he is still on the run from Saul, but now he is stuck. In a cave. And people followed him there! This guy cannot seem to catch a break! You may not have run for your life and found yourself in a cave, but at times in our lives, we have all found ourselves stuck. What happens when you find yourself stuck - physically, emotionally, spiritually - with a group of people? How is helpful to be stuck with others? How can it be harmful? How can they overlap? Hope you will join us for our next installment of The Seeking King - Part 10: Your Cave as we continue to learn from the life of King David and discover how following God's Word (Scripture) and His will can help us climb out of whatever "cave" we may find ourselves in!