You Chose Poorly

You Chose Poorly S01E03 - Palm Pre



Sawyer and Mikey break open the beautiful and troubled little pebble that effectively killed Palm. Also discussed: Palm Pilots, Apple lifting features from the Prē, and if there's anything to learn from Palm's demise. Links and Show Notes: Mikey processes his feelings about the iPad Pro The Verge's new blog, Circuit Breaker Sony Clie Handspring VisorPhone Hypercritical 86: Naked robotic core I've Discovered The Best Smartphone Of All Time, And It's From 2011 Engadget's Palm Pre Review Palm Pre preview on Daring Fireball WebOS Nation Palm Pre review Pre to postmortem: the inside story of the death of Palm and webOS Palm Pixi Palm Pre Plus Palm Pre 2 My Phone Can Read My Mind still says "coming soon