Everyday Entrepreneur With Cornelius Mcgrath

#21: Shy Bairns Get Nowt — Aviation Geek Daniel Ross



MIAMI, FL —  My guest today is Daniel Ross. A travel connoisseur and arguably the most global Northern bloke I’ve ever met.  Dan and I first connected back in December of 2019 during a black-tie dinner on the Intrepid in New York City. Carly Rae Jepsen performed. We rubbed shoulders with travel influencers and celebrities. It was a magical evening. Little did we both know it would be the last time we’d see each other until March 2022. Our travel schedules finally intersected and we had the chance to sit down in Miami for this conversation at the stunning MIAMI EAST hotel in Brickell. Over the pandemic, Dan made the bold switch from cashing in a paycheque and working for somebody else to breaking out on his own as a freelancer. We caught up during the latter end of his 8-week press trip to the United States. This was Dan’s first time in America since the pandemic. In this episode, we discuss Dan’s origin story as a Geordie, how his life has changed since the pandemic, why he ultimately decided to make the jump