American Family Farmer

2/29/24 - From French Horn To Renowned Carolina Gold Rice



Host and American Family Farmer, Doug Stephan introduces us to Glenn Roberts founder of Anson Mills. Glenn grew up in San Diego, California, the son of a professional singer and photographer, and a former Southern belle from Edisto, South Carolina. Somewhere along the road Glenn’s overarching interests distilled into the study of architectural history and the history of food. Glenn explored rural back roads looking for the famous white Carolina mill cornl. He found this corn in a bootlegger’s field near Dillon, South Carolina in 1997 and planted and harvested his own first crop of 30 acres in 1998. Today, in addition to its collection of native heirloom grains, Anson Mills grows Japanese buckwheat, French oats and Mediterranean wheat, and Italian farro. Glen works tirelessly to manage his old grains, the land, and their growers, as well as chefs and retail customers.