Emily T Gail Talk Story

Toni Romp-Friesen and Greta Friesen, Hawaii Cycling Club Century Ride for Hospice of Kona



Toni Romp-Friesen and Greta Friesen talk about the Hawaii Cycling Club Century Ride on Sunday April 3 that will benefit Hospice of Kona. Toni is a seasoned cyclist and Greta is a new cyclist. They share why this is a fun event for all levels of riders and a heartwarming event cause it brings out families who have been touched by Hospice services.This is a non-competitive ride that starts and finishes at Spencer Beach. Cyclists have the choice of three routes: 30, 60 or 109 miles. Exceptional lunch will be available at the end. Aid stations approximately every 20 miles. Greta shares that the aid and food stations and along the way make it fun for new cyclists like herself.Entry fee is $50 however Hawaii Cycling Club is offering a FREE entry to students 18 and under. To receive information on registering for the Free Student entry, email: hcccentury@yahoo.com.Go to hawaiicyclingclub.com for info and to register. Click on The Century to register at active.com. The Century entry fee is $50. Got questions. Want t