Play Your Position With Mary Lou Kayser

David Braithwaite on Navigating the Evolution of Leadership



In today's episode, David and I explore the profound journey of leadership and how it evolves with time. Reflecting on his own path, David has come to realize that leadership isn't just about titles or positions—it's a dynamic journey that evolves with time and experience. From his early days in the Boy Scouts, where he first tasted leadership responsibility, to building and leading teams in his business ventures, every step has been a lesson in growth and accountability. What's truly fascinating is how his perception of leadership has shifted—from leading himself to guiding a team, and now, nurturing leadership qualities in his own son.  One of the big takeaways for David about leadership as he reflects on his own journey is this: Leadership isn't confined to the boardroom; it extends into our personal lives, shaping our roles as parents and mentors. Embracing this multifaceted aspect of leadership brings richness to our experiences and opportunities for continuous improvement. Let's remember, leadership is