Nixon Now Podcast

Laurence Jurdem on the Conservative Media in the 1960s and 1970s



This edition of the Nixon Now Podcast explores how the conservative media influenced public debate about U.S. foreign policy during the Cold War. Our guest is author and historian Laurence Jurdem, an expert on the history of American conservatism. His writings and commentary have been featured in a wide number of publications, including National Review, the New York Times, Newsweek, the Washington Post, Cold War History and the History News Network. Dr. Jurdem’s is the author of a newly released book, "Paving the Way for Reagan: The Conservative Press and the Forging of the Reagan Foreign policy 1964-1980." President Nixon with conservative leader, writer, and commentator William F. Buckley in 1969. (Bettman / Getty) Interview by Jonathan Movroydis