I'm Just A Kid!

#64: Halfie Issues & Cheating on Tom Brady w/ Kevin McGloin



Kevin kicks it with me this week. Go follow him at @kevinmcgloinn and see him on tour @prohibitioncomedy Get tickets to see both of us do stand up comedy on March 30th at Soho Playhouse in NYC. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/fresh-mudblood-w-james-camacho-live-stand-up-comedy-tickets-805289210707?aff=oddtdtcreator Time Stamps: 0:00 Intro / Plugs 3:30 Girls Love Cancelling 5:50 Male Bridesmaid 11:40 Tom Brady Accepts He Was Cheated On 19:42 Husband Asks Reddit if He Should Leave his Wife 33:24 Multiracial Communities and Mental Health Fan Question: 50:40 What do you wish there was a reality TV show of? 54:05 Shane Gillis SNL Monologue & Comedy Talk