

We want a high-paying job, but we don’t want to work long hours or get the education or training needed to get that job. We want to start a new company or write a book, but we aren’t willing to put in the evening hours to begin to accomplish those goals. In today’s podcast, Dr. Bray discusses two important topics. What are you willing to trade off for the goals you want to accomplish or the type of person you want to be? And what is your story or narrative about money? Dr. Bray dives into these two topics, the impact both have in our daily lives, and how our brain perceives our goals, ambition, and definition of success. This podcast will create some discussions around the dinner table.  References: *Sunday Firesides: There are No Trade-Off-Free Options. Brett & Kate McKay. Art of Manliness podcast. 1/20/2024 *Richard Rohr Daily Meditations. The Story of Accumulation 2/6/2024  QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “Sometimes we think we have more when we actually have less.”