God, Sex & You! With Dustin Daniels

The Gay Gospel? How Pro-Gay Advocates Misread The Bible



It is so interesting to me, how Jesus answers this question from the Church of His day in Matthew 19:1-6. He not only answer the question about divorce, but He also gives us the standard for all of sexuality at the very same time. Look at what Jesus does here. He points us right back to the beginning of creation in Genesis 2:24, and with one statement we see the template for all sexuality. We see the standard for which all sexuality is now based and judged. One biological man and one biological woman under a covenant from God is His definition of marriage and sexuality. It’s so simple isn’t it? God is not a God of confusion and disorder, He is a God of simplicity and order. We as humans are the one’s who make things difficult! Let me give you an example: When I left my first wife and chose to have two affairs with two different women... I knew it was wrong. I don’t know if I ever would have called it “sin” back then, because the word “sin” wasn’t in my vocabulary, but I knew it was wrong... I was defiant. I w