God, Sex & You! With Dustin Daniels

Loving This World



Before I met the Lord Jesus Christ, I used to be a total secular rock and roll guy. Remember the hairbands in the 80’s (Bon Jovi, Poison, Motley Crue) and all the grunge rock in the 90’s (Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots). I used to listen to that kind of music 24/7. Last week my wife Amy and I started playing our own version of “Name that Tune”. We each had our phone, and jumped on YouTube to play a little clip of music. As we were doing this, it brought me back to the 1980’s and 1990’s. But here’s the thing. I never realized the horrible…downright awful ungodly lyrics in the songs that I sang over and over again. Has that ever happened to you? You hear a song that you haven’t heard for years or decades and then all of sudden you realize the words your actually singing? 1 John 2 speaks, of the danger of loving this world, and I gotta tell ya…I loved the world back then…and those lyrics that I used to sing proved it… So the question for you today is….as we start off the new year of 2015….as a Christ ce