God, Sex & You! With Dustin Daniels

Date Your Wife!



For husbands, this means love your wives, just as Christ loved the church. - Ephesians 5:25 Gentlemen…If you have to summarize what is wrong with your marriage in a single sentence, what would it be? Now …do you recognize that men all over the world just thought a thousand different things? Brothers, that’s not good…at all. In fact I don’t even think we need a sentence to figure this out…we just need - one word. So let’s try this again….If you had to summarize what is wrong with your marriage with just one word, what would that word be? Let me see if I can help here....it starts with an M and ends with and E. Its ME! I’m what’s wrong with my marriage, and you are what’s wrong with yours! Isn’t it amazing how Almighty God has given man the ability to either be the best thing or the worst thing that ever happened to a marriage. Before you can be the best thing that ever happened to your marriage, you must see that you have been the worst thing …. first. Guest: Pastor Justin Buzzard Book: Date Your Wife Website: